Sunday, December 20, 2009

Simply Feeding Life

Maybe it's this time of year. Christmas always has an introspective lead-up to it. Amongst all the frenzy and the buzz, there's also a sense of taking stock, of taking a sobering look at the year that was, and all the promises we made to it, back when it was fresh and newly minted.

Life is as Life does, but that seems barely a pale excuse given the fresh anticipation we held of it back then. Was that only 11 months ago, we entered with much fanfare, hype and anticipation into the empty room of a new twelve-month? Hmm...

Looking back personally, I realise I've simply been feeding Life. Reactively responding to and attending to its needs and necessities, doting on it with the distracted attention of a parent watching the telly while mechanically feeding the baby, missing at times, and wiping away the stains amidst much fussing and clucking. Such is, I find, the attention I pay to Life.

Yet Life is as much full of promise as a new-born, and the attention we pay to it over the intervening years we get back in spades after a time. Perhaps it's patience we have un-learned? The patience, perhaps, of a farmer planning crops and harvests years in advance. Perhaps we've lost that kind of personal vision?

I've come to a personal undestanding, for me at least, that Life requires more than just feeding. It requires love and patience and understanding, and being involved. If Life, to me now is a mechanical rote of days in and out, then perhaps I'm just getting out what I put in.

Maybe what's needed is a bit of engagement. After all, how often have I spoken to my life of my dreams and aspirations, my likes and loves, dislikes and druthers? Seriously! We blithely utter "Affirmations" to no-one or no-thing in particular and half anticipate that it might work. Why not tell it to Our Life? Well... Me to My Life. Sit down, have a conversation with it! Why not?

Oh you're right! Maybe I've partaken of too much Spirit, and not enough Christmas. Yet I can't help feeling like I need to do something differently with My Life next year. Maybe this is it, maybe not. But the inevitable introspection drives me to look at all sorts of different - some might say absurd - possibilities to alleviate the faint disquiet I feel at this time of year.

Hmm.. perhaps also, I might just need a good cup of tea...


Keir Hardie said...

I like that. Made me think. I'm very much a naysayer when it comes to these arbitary lines on the calendar, but I must admit I've been doing the taking stock thing lately, and even initiated a conversation about what a year it's been!

Janene B said...

Awesome article! I so agree - reached that point in my life about 3 years ago & decided to feed my life with all sorts of wonderful things instead of just living mechanically. The result has been marvellous & I thoroughly recommend it! Scrap the tea & grab life & live it! It's a gift - that's y it's called the Present!