It's official! Positive Thinking doesn't work. Even Oprah says so. Don't believe it? Go Google the news.
Maybe it's a good thing, though. Apparently people cannot believe that merely "Thinking Positive" won't actually get them anywhere, and it makes them more despondent as a result of not achieving their "Positive Thought", than if they hadn't Thought Positive in the first place. If wishes were fishes....
The thought (pun intended) of getting up out of their easy-chair and actually doing something about it . . . well, it's just like, y'know, not very new-age, positive is it?
Yet, Napoleon Hill as an example, did have something.
If, in the course of your Everyday, you go about consciously holding the Intention of one thing or another, you invariably tend to spot opportunities that further your held Intention. Of course that takes a certain dedication of will and patience, and a willingness to pursue tantalising leads.
Someone once told me that working on an Intention is much like brooding an egg. Not that I wish to be a hen, but the analogy has some semblance of applicability. Keep your Intentions warm, organise your life around them, don't let the hawks and foxes spot them, and above all, have patience. Sooner or later SOME-thing will happen. Oh, and keep working on it patiently every day until you succeed.
Will it be magic? or Magick? The truth is, it won't really matter once your Intention is manifest. Most often, manifestation will come packaged with some sort of logical back-story to satisfy our own private stick-in-the-mud skeptic - which we all secretly harbour. I often wonder if we don't work harder to manifest a plausible back-story than we actually work to create the desired manifestation of our Intendings. Oh well, in the words of my teenage (and not-so) daughters - "Whatever"!
If the result is The Result, then who cares? Does it matter that it appeared in seemingly "normal" circumstances? Does it matter that it didn't miraculously manifest on the lawns at Parliament House? Does it really matter HOW it appears? Of course not. The same as we all don't wonder every morning at the 'how' of a sunrise, or a bird in flight, or an egg hatching... it just does.
But you can't write a headline-grabbing report on the manifestation of apparently normal, logical outcomes or events. That doesn't count now does it?
"Person buys house of their dreams after working hard and getting a series of promotions"
Yup - riveting. Best seller, I'm sure.
Positive Thinking is fun in an intellectual, quasi-Endorphinesque sort of way.
But not very productive it seems.
Right now I am Thinking Positively about . . . a nice cup of tea.
Still thinking ... thinking ... thinking. Oh bugger it! Where's that kettle?
Monday, July 6, 2009
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