Monday, January 4, 2010

WOW - LifeQuist gets Quoted!

What an amazing start to 2010!
Just recently - on the 1'st of January, 2010, mind - I've had the honour of being asked if the recent LifeQuist Blog post on Hyperconnectivity could be quoted in a new eZine just being published out of the UK. Needless to say, the answer was a resounding "Yes".

I expected snippets to be extracted, but, no, the whole piece was re-published almost verbatim. I was (most delightfully) stunned!

You can find the article in the eZine here. There's even a photo of LifeQuist for the curious.

I'd like to say a special thank-you to Sloeira of for this very amazing mention. I love your work, and must admit it is a constant source of inspiration and new ideas and energies. To readers of this Blog, I highly recommend you to check out Soleira's site and see if you resonate with what is being energised from there.

There's now a permanent link in the LifeQuist blog Side Bar to WowingOurWorld. Please take a moment to return the honour and check it out!

Thank you Soleira and the WowingOurWorld team! We look forward to many more editions!

Oh dear - really time for a cup of tea now!! Have a Fantastic 2010 everyone!!

1 comment:

Gladie said...

Congrats, great piece there :)
Will check out the website when I get home :)