Monday, December 7, 2009

LifeQuist joins the Resonant Networks network

I'm excited today. The LifeQuist blog is being copied to the new site Resonant Networks. []

Resonance is the definitive collaboration, it defines the interactivity of one or more vibrational sources as they reach out and interact with each other.

It's in the spaces between that the harmonies occur. Like one raindrop on a still pool of water, radiating out until its rings touch, ripple through and subtly play with the energies of another drop. It is a mathematical ballet, based on distance and frequency and predetermined physics. But it is beautiful and un-predictable.

Unpredictable because, the randomness of a drop of falling water relative to any other constantly creates new patterns and interactions. If we are all, metaphorically speaking, a drop of water, it is by our unique position, our unique place in the world that we define our individual selves.

We interact, we resonate with others in the same pool. We give of ourselves by the very act of living and being. By our interactions we create amazing music. In the spaces in between.

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