Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Seeing into Being

Where does perception take place? Where is the real cradle of reality? That which we perceive as 'out there' is actually only real 'in here' - in the grey matter between the ears.

How do you know for sure that if you and someone else see the colour 'blue', agree that it is 'blue' and recognise other shades of 'blue', that you and they are internally perceiving the same colour? It's all agreed perception and we blindly believe everyone else's and our own perceptions of blue (or anything else) are the same.

"The Map is not the Territory". Wise words, which some may recognise. Yet we see the world only in terms of the map in our minds. The world comes to us, filtered through the lense of our eyes, interpreted by rods and cones, turned upside down and converted to synaptic impulses and synthesised into a crude analog of what is really out there.

Yet we create the magic trick. We project this map outwards, and overlay it onto what is there. The fit of our projection and the actuality of what is 'out there' is immaterial. What is really important is that we project. This projection is what we believe is 'real', because we 'see' it.

Two people see the same scene. One sees mundane, every-day, the other sees opportunity, excitement, fulfillment. It's the same scene.

What if we could consciously take charge of what we're seeing? What if, in one daring, radical movement, we could take charge of the passive act of seeing, and daringly change it into one of active creation? The Act of Seeing would then become an Act of conscious Creation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To me Consciousness is primary and although there is a physical world, there is ultimately no 'thing' out there.
However, there is evolution and Eros and this means consciousness itself is evolving. We are seeing this for the first time - consciousness becoming aware of itself and it's evolving journey. We can swim with this tide or against it. Life is probably easier when we are in alignment with this universal evolutionary push.
So, may the force be with you...