Sunday, June 28, 2009

Creation Horizon

Imagine the tree of life, drawn starting from a single horizontal line, moving from one side of the page as a line, then suddenly as an upward motion, branching up and out into fractal patterns, the trunk, the branches, the twigs, the leaves all formed from the same line, returning down the other side of the tree and finishing again into a straight, horizontal line.

What would it be, if that horizontal line represented the horizon of creation? What if that single line could rise up and loop and whorl and swoop, fly and dive in unlimited imaginative ways?

Could it be that perhaps, below that line is the font of all that is above the line? Could it be that that which resides below the line, that horizon of creation, is like the hand that animates the glove, and the glove is nothing more than an imaginative continuation of the horizontal line?

If we lived in the world, seeing only that which is above the line of creation, we would believe that these constructs are the totality of our environment. Yet, some of us would be troubled by the seeming animation and intelligence hidden “somewhere inside” that set of constructs which surrounds us. Some may even see ourselves as constructs of that creative horizon and be troubled by the animation that seemingly moves us.

And without further information, we would all live in a semi-uneasy existence relying on the unknown nature of existence in order to exist.

Then along comes quantum physics. Specifically Quantum Entanglement theory, which kind of proves that if you wiggle a bit of our construct universe on one side, another bit, at a greater or shorter distance away will, seemingly all by itself, wiggle in unison.

“How odd”, we say to ourselves...
Our disquiet grows. What connects the two seemingly unconnected particles of Universe? What makes them move as one? What could it be that neither time nor distance seems to hold sway over this disquieting, repeatable experiment?

Could it be that, lurking below the horizon of creation, there lies a unified field? A field of unlimited creation, of unbelievable richness and detail, all past, present and future creations, dormant, waiting, ready to come exploding forth above the creation horizon at a bidding.

… but at whose bidding?

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Time is the illusion

Imagine a universe with no time. Imagine there is no travel between here to there. In such a universe we would truly be pervasive, as time is the factor that gives us distance and limits us to locality.

Without time, without distance, would we be "everywhere simultaneously"? Perhaps there would be no concept of "where" - perhaps there just "is"?

Would there be movement? Would there be vibration? Vibrations are measured in cycles per second... or whatever unit of time one feels is appropriate. Vibration is the measured expression of energy over time. Without time - would there be energy? Does time contain or constrain energy in some way, meting it out so that energy does not annihilate itself in one spent paroxysm?

And if that paroxysm occurred, would there be a beginning or an end? After all, these concepts are merely artifacts of systems involving time. Even our language finds it difficult to express things outside of time. How would you describe an endless outpouring of energy? Perhaps, "All that ever is, was and will be..."

What is the concept of one, when One is all there is? Without time, would there be a "two", or a "three"?

Time is what gives order and sequence and constraint to the Universe as we perceive it. Perhaps it is just a human institution designed to allow us to live in a Universe that is in fact a singularity. It may be that it is we who rearrange the Universe into sequential streams, only for the sake of our limited perspicuity and frail sanity.

Time makes for a safe, ordered, structured Universe - a place more pleasant for the human mind to wander. Is time in fact a function of the Universe, or is it a necessary artifact of our consciousness, employed to keep us safe in our primitive brains while we float and drift in the vast unknowablness of an enigmatic Universe?

Time.. time... time for a cup of tea, thinks me.